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To see the available training and register, click the following link to log into the LabWare Support site:
Alternatively, contact your LabWare Sales Account Manager or your company's primary support contact for LabWare.
To see the available training and register, click the following link to log into the LabWare Support site:
Alternatively, contact your LabWare Sales Account Manager or your company's primary support contact for LabWare.
To see the available training and register, click the following link to log into the LabWare Support site:
Alternatively, contact your LabWare Sales Account Manager or your company's primary support contact for LabWare.
LabWare's training offering is delivered through LabWare University and is designed to maximize administrator and end user capabilities.
All successful LabWare implementation projects begin with training for the Customer’s team members who will be configuring LabWare LIMS / ELN to meet their business needs and requirements.
For a Customer, there are principally three groups of users in their LIMS / ELN community. The LabWare training program is designed to provide each of these groups with the skills they need to perform their responsibilities effectively.
The three groups that typically make up the LIMS / ELN community for a Customer:
The basic training program applies to all LIMS and ELN projects. It consists of classroom-style training courses at the LabWare University or at the customer’s site, followed by mentoring and knowledge transfer.
A number of advanced training courses are offered by the LabWare University. These courses provide in-depth training in individual areas of LabWare LIMS. Where the basic program focuses on wide coverage of many topics, the advanced program focuses on deep coverage of individual topics. Advanced courses are usually attended only by those individuals who will be responsible for maintaining the LIMS after production startup. These courses are offered through LabWare University but can also be offered at a Customer’s site.
Knowledgeable, satisfied users are the cornerstone of a successful project. Every customer has specific needs and requirements that their LIMS or ELN systems must meet. Therefore no two customers have exactly the same configuration. With this said, LabWare does not offer public end user training, however LabWare is able to assist our customers in building training specific for their configuration and users.
LabWare’s involvement in end user training is based on the needs of the customer. LabWare can be involved in simply assisting in establishing what will be needed by the customer, to provide end user training through creation and delivery. The Customer will be able to determine the level of LabWare’s involvement in their end user training.