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In an ever changing business and IT landscape LabWare Services consults with the customer to determine the correct and appropriate amount of consulting services required based on the customers individual needs and the customer resource they can bring to the project. Each customer is unique in their business planning for the implementation and resource availability and subsequently LabWare Services will flex to that in order to construct a formidable joint project team.
Ultimately, the value derived from a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) depends on how effectively it supports the business, and how efficiently it operates. LabWare uses the most skilled people available to implement LIMS and ELN for our customers to deliver optimal business value. These people are known as LabWare implementation consultants.
LabWare has one of the largest and most experienced teams of consultants in the industry with more than 420 certified people in 40 different countries. Being an effective implementation consultant requires deep product knowledge coupled with real world experience. All LabWare consultants worldwide are certified and annually assessed against more than 100 credentials and are experienced in LabWare's GOLD implementation methodology.
Every company has its own way of doing business. Different materials require using varying test methods and a variety of makes and models of instruments. SOPs governing the work practices are different. Different information is captured, used differently to support decisions, and the reports differ. No two companies are the same, meaning each implementation of LIMS is unique because it must support the customer's business practices and processes. Since most businesses operate in a dynamic environment, the LIMS must change to adapt to the current operating conditions.
The role of the implementation consultant is two fold:
The second point is very important, because LabWare's goal is to make the customer self-sufficient, so they control their own destiny. Doing so ensures the LIMS implementation does what it needs to do upon launch and into the future. This strategy requires a participative approach, with involvement from the customer at all stages of implementation.
The amount of time LabWare's implementation consultants spend with a customer is determined by the customer's needs. It tends to require more time initially, and less time as the customer acquires knowledge through a mentoring process. Through this process, the customer takes ownership of the system and can be self-sufficient.
GOLD takes the best ideas from the IT industry and applies them to LIMS. It embraces effective project management techniques that fully utilize an evolutionary, participatory approach while maintaining tight time scales and regulatory compliance.
The classical waterfall model of writing detailed requirements and functional specifications before performing any configuration is inappropriate for package-based information systems where the users interact with the system to understand what functions and features are available.
LabWare's goal-oriented, iterative approach is a far more efficient way of delivering business systems. The LabWare approach is based on high productivity tools, clear objectives, and small, very skilled teams. GOLD has been developed and refined using the experience of many hundreds of successful LIMS projects.
The GOLD methodology consists of four key stages: