6 min read

Improving Incurred Sample Reanalysis (ISR) with a Bioanalytical LIMS and ELN Platform

By LabWare on Jul 24, 2024 1:19:32 PM

In a recent letterdated June 17, 2024, the FDA raised significant concerns about the data integrity and management practices at a contract research organization (CRO), highlighting issues with their ISR processes during bioanalytical studies. This letter detailed several critical areas where data anomalies and mishandling led to questions about the reliability of bioanalytical study results. Here, we explore the FDA's ISR findings and discuss how LabWare's Bioanalytical LIMS and ELN platform could have mitigated these issues. 

Topics: LIMS Bioanalysis ELN Data Integrity
4 min read

Overcome Bioanalytical LIMS Challenges with a LIMS + ELN Platform

By LabWare on Jul 10, 2024 3:08:00 PM

Effective data management is the backbone of bioanalytical laboratories, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and productivity. While traditional bioanalytical LIMS (laboratory information management systems) serve essential functions, they fall short in several critical areas, such as inventory management, instrument maintenance, and sample preparation documentation. Enter the LabWare enterprise laboratory platform for bioanalysis, which seamlessly combines the strengths of LabWare LIMS and LabWare ELN (electronic laboratory notebook) into a single, all-in-one package. This comprehensive system addresses the critical gaps found in traditional bioanalytical LIMS and enhances overall lab efficiency and compliance.

Topics: LIMS Bioanalysis ELN
3 min read

Streamlining Bioanalytical Testing with a Unified LIMS and ELN Solution

By LabWare on Mar 14, 2024 11:01:00 AM

Bioanalytical testing is a cornerstone in pharmaceutical development, providing crucial data on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and immunogenicity to determine the patient safety margins of effective new drugs. For laboratories conducting small and large molecule bioanalysis, harmonized sample management processes, study protocol organization, quantitative assay development and validation, and data flow optimization are compulsory. Adopting a combined LIMS and ELN platform transforms disconnected practices, providing better control over data and improving efficiency and compliance with regulations. 

Topics: LIMS Bioanalysis ELN